Tuesday, January 05, 2010


It's that time of year again. When the vast most of us make a list of things to do we'll keep up with for a month or two then abandon. It is my hope to maintain or achieve most of these resolutions. As such, I ask all of my friends to help me, and I will help as I can.

Health and Fitness.
Drop to 225 or lose the belly fat, whichever comes first.
Continue to eat more salads, fruits, and vegetables.
Improve my cardiovascular fitness and see about entering the Bear.

Style and Appearance.
Get a three piece suit.
Get a good hat.
Get a vest or three I can wear with anything.
Grow my hair out long enough to pull back.
Attempt a respectable beard.
Get a safety razor and kit, if not a straight razor.

Work, School, Play.
Get my driving situation fixed.
Maintain a 3.5 GPA or better.
Transfer to UNCG.
Move back to Greensboro, in a dorm if need be.
Get a good TV and an Xbox360.
Find work on campus, if possible.
Write more letters.
Draw more sketches.
Sing every day.
Live, love, dare.
Help others improve as I improve.

Not a bad list, I think. Some I can work and check off, the others are lifelong ideas. I want to be able to look back at this post in May and check a lot of those off. I want to look back in December and say that I did all those twice over and more.

dare! dare to keep all your dreams alive

Sunday, January 03, 2010


So already this year has beaten last year in per capita awesome. But my net awesome for last year was way, way low. Gross Awesome was actually looking really damn strong in the first half of the year, but, well, not so much in the 3rd and 4th quarters 2009.

2009 in Review (abridged):
Had a decent job, then lost it.
Joined the choir at St. James Lutheran.
One good Carnevale (and really good night before).
Several good trips to Boone.
Butt-ass ugly breakup taking most of the year to die. Not a little bit my own fault.
One suck-ass birthday.
Joined the congregation of St. Jame Lutheran (I'm awesome and backwards like that).
One suck-ass Carnevale.
One middling CRF season.
I made Dean's List! Shy of President's List (4.0) by one class (3 A's, 1 B).
One interesting lesson in quiet victory at an AKA gig.
Got voted on to St. James' Congregation Council.
One awesome Christmas.

2010 so far:
No bonfire.
Firefly and Serenity!
Adventure! the roleplaying game!

All in the space of two days, even! And there's much more potential for awesome. But these things I dare not speak of too much. Not yet. But my semester upcoming is looking good. I have the last two classes I need to retake scheduled and ready. When I transfer in the fall, I will be doing so with what should be a really good GPA. I'm excited! And I get to attend my first meeting as an active member of the Congregation Council next Sunday. 2010 is looking good for me. Really good.

So f*#$ you, 2009.

i want to exorcise the demons of your past