Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Well. Here I am.

So I've been moved out of Greensboro and (back) into my old room in the "basement" of my mom's house for about a week. It's not awful. I knew it wouldn't be. Of course, I would be moving in right when there's massive drama over my step-sister moving out. I remain unconcerned, not the least because if she moves out, it opens up a room for all of Chase's stuff. Chase took over the room Jerod and I shared when I moved out, but the little bugger's gone and gradumatated from the high school and has gone off to his freshman year at Averett University. Skywarp's set up. One of big bookshelves and one of the small ones are set up. My clothes are unpacked. Slowly, the room is beginning to resemble a living space and not a storage space. My cats have adjusted well. I'm an hour farther from Hannah than I was before, and that's unfun, but other than that one glaring exception, things aren't bad. Now if only this move will translate into work of some kind. I've got a lead or two I'm trying to follow up on, and some far off possibilities that I can't really count on, but hope for. We'll see.

No matter what happens, though, I want to be out by Christmas. And I will be out by the time Hannah graduates in May, or close to it. I like it here, but I'm 26. I'm not going to be that stereotype.

cause i wanna hear my record on the radio

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