Wednesday, January 03, 2007

The New Year

So far: Same old stuff.

Ah, New Year's. A time of new beginnings. Or, y'know, a lot of the same old stuff. Although I had a pretty good weekend, all told, things are going back to their usual uncomfortable normal. Phil's party was good, though a little lower key than most "Phil" brand parties. I had a date, of sorts, but I'll get to that when I list some of my resolutions for the year. Low key as it was, I had a really good time. Some of our up and coming next generation rennies made an appearance and I have hope for next season. And nothing beats philosophical discussions until dawn. We all got up around 1 or 2 the next afternoon and cooked up a delightful breakfast, with more general hanging out until it was time for us to head north a bit for Hugh's eventual party. We ended up milling about (Ha!) Concord Mills for a few hours before making it to my mom's place for a little bit and eventually to the Fisher's. I got to (finally) meet Hugh's "girlfriend" (I kid.) and it was really great to see Mike and Beth. She's about 12 weeks along, and doing well. Mike is not nervous, yet, but predicts full on freak out in about 4-6 months. Food, fireworks, yay. But really? Just not all that moving. Probably just me.

Resolutions! Everyone's making them. And I'm breaking from tradition. I resolved around 6 years ago to stop making resolutions, but it was time to bring them back.

1. Get all my legal crap sorted out by my 25th birthday (May 15). You don't have to know what it is. I'm getting it fixed.

2. Lose two inches off my waist by my 25th birthday. Aim for a further two more by the end of the year. Ultimately, I'll be fine in a 34 inch waist as long as my middle is slimmed down, but if I can do a 32, I'll take it!

3. Never bring a date to New Year's at Phil's. I always get ignored by them. But at least this year my "date" wasn't making out with someone else. I know how to pick 'em, I tell ya.

4. Have the apartment ready my living by May. This is when Chris and Lani expect to move
out around April or May, and I'll need to get stuff to replace the stuff they'll be taking with them, etc. etc.

5. Get a good job. Not just a better job, a good one. One that has shift work. That way I can get in a routine again. And one that will pay enough so that maybe I won't need to find a third roommate come May.

6. Start going back to school. Though, ultimately, this is contingent on number 5. Without a better paying, better scheduled job, it'll be damn hard to go back for anything other than a class a semester, and I can and will do better than that. I don't know what in, mind you, but I do need to go back and finish what I started.

Runner-up: Find a girlfriend. I do not mention this as a full-on resolution, because to do so would appear desperate. Which I am not. Wouldn't mind not being single, but, really, I'll be much better boyfriend material if I can take care of some or all of those resolutions first. Granted, I won't say no if a girl wants to get in on the ground floor before all the awesome renovations and growth take place, but I know my...self. I've got a lot of potential, but I've got a lot I need to work on.

Other Runner-up: Post more again, for real, again. I signed up for this thing for a reason, right?

I hope everyone had a good weekend. I wish that everyone's 2007 shows improvement over 2006. If you did shitty, then this year is your year to do not quite so shitty. If you had a superfantabulously awesome year of multiple lotto winnings, then, by all means, I hope you top that this year! As for me? I'm going to plug myself into my new Bose (yes, that Bose) headphones and do some crossword puzzles until I fall asleep.

Mighty Lord, preserve us from jeopardy.
Take Thee now our faith and love, thine inheritance.
Grant thee victory o'er our treacherous and cruel enemies
And to our land bring peace.
O mighty Lord hear our lowly prayer,
And by Thy shining holy light.
Grant us, O Lord, peace again.
O mighty Lord hear our prayer
and save our people
Forever, forever!

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