Monday, November 07, 2005

Gotta Write More Often

I didn't get Double Agent. This time. But this is legitmate. When my (former) supervisor applies for the Double Agent position, there's little I can do. He was far, far more qualified. But he's merely the third of a proposed 6 DA's. And there's another one opening up in December. So I've put my foot in the door, management is looking at me. I've just got to continue to rock it hard.

Speaking of rocking hard, I've won like 5 movies at work as part of a Geek Squad contest. And today? Today I won a video game. Soul Calibur III. Score.

Also, do you hear that? Listen closely now...

...go on...

...just a little longer...

What is that sound you hear? It's the sound of my phone not ringing. It's the sound of having no obligations to fix anybody's anything! The biggest items on my to-do list tonight are to eat some homemade spaghetti and meat sauce and to get my ass handed to me by the CPU opponents in Soul Calibur III. Whee!

Also, is it Friday yet?

and if the train's on time you'll get to work by nine

1 comment:

thatweirdgirl said...

just wondering how the last weekend of faire went...