Saturday, February 26, 2005

Has anybody seen my baby?

Has anybody seen her around?

So the job is cool. I lucked out in being put in car stereo sales. All the other departments are behind on sales goals and such, whereas car stereo is ahead. So less pressure on me, which is always nice. And I'm doing good on the selling. Because mostly everyone coming into the section is looking to buy anyway. But I'm not on commission. Which means I don't have to pressure sell just so I can pay the bills, which is also cool. So that's good.

On the other hand, I must once again intone my whining upon you. Because I miss my Holly. I got to see her for a little while Tuesday, but I've only talked to her once, Thursday, since then, and even then only briefly. Because she's been sick all week. She's started a new Live Journal. Her old one is listed as Holly's Old Journal there in the links, whereas her new one is Holly's Journal. And stuff.

My neck hurts.

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