Saturday, February 05, 2005

In the grim future...

...there is only WAR!

So I've gotten Chris and Doug infected with the Warhammer bug! Chris, rightly, believes that he can use Imperial Guard soldiers to display squad tactics. And Doug is interested in Necron and/or Chaos Space Marines. So I will finally have someone to field my Dark Angels against. Huzzah!


Anonymous said...

OK, so I read this last night and it made no sense and I thought it was the wine. Nope, nope, just made no sense.

Anonymous said...

I suspect this is Lenore speaking of the wine and the no sense and such. . .

Warhammer 40K is a game where each player controls massive armies. I've become interested because ONE of the armies is pretty simple with no magic, no alien stuff. . .not genetic boosts. . .just soldiers with guns. The rules are simple enough that I can teach my cadets how to play, and instead of one player controlling a massive army, each cadet will control one or two pieces on the board so the cadets can work as a squad in small exercises against each other.

Anonymous said...

You suspect correctly, sir. Ie makes more sense now, what with the explanation and the sobriety.